Love At First Sight- Not Exist
(An Extract From The Book)
Love At First Sight, Not Exist.
Sometimes, we get AtTraCtEd toward others on his/her looks & styles. After CouPle of meetings, wE become friends and start dAtiNg. Moreover, our choices, likes, dislikes, preference & etc. matcHes. We become comfortable spending time TOgeThEr. We share everything in between. We feel sAFe & secure, being surrounded by each other.
And when our brain starts recalling the swEet mEmOrIeS spent together & when those memories spreads smile on our FaCe.
When the absence of someone special, makes us LONELy. When we can feel the warmth of that speCIAL person, being away. When we always look for the reason to meet. When we want to look good and become faShioNabLe. When his/her GaZE and electrifying looks make us ImPatiEnt. It means - We Are in Love!
The whole process takes time to build trust and generate AffEcTiON.
So, falling in love at first sight somehow not ExiSt.
When the absence of someone special, makes us LONELy. When we can feel the warmth of that speCIAL person, being away. When we always look for the reason to meet. When we want to look good and become faShioNabLe. When his/her GaZE and electrifying looks make us ImPatiEnt. It means - We Are in Love!
So, falling in love at first sight somehow not ExiSt.
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